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Denver 2024
Every year, a huge gathering of collectors, dealers, miners, cutters, shop owners, artisans, and jewelers descend on the Denver area to buy and sell their minerals.
Join us as we discover what this massive annual event has to offer...
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The Shows
This year, there are twelve partially concurrent shows that span September 3rd to 15th, all of which offer a unique and spectacular exhibition. The shows tend to shapeshift from year to year, so we offer up our expertise on the most up to date information here for anyone looking for accurate details. As we are annual attendees and vendors, we have professional insider access that we are happy to share to anyone who is interested. We make every effort to make sure that each show is accurately represented, but will inadvertently and undoubtedly omit details. If you have more accurate information, or are a promoter of one of these shows that wants to add or correct information, please contact us.
Please click on a show to get more details, or scroll down

Map & Calendar

This map is intended to give a rough idea of what part of Denver the shows are located. Click on a show or scroll down for detailed info. Stacked shows indicate they are at the same venue

enver Mineral, Fossil, Gem & Jewelry Show
denver mineral fossil gem show
Located this year and last at the National Western Complex, this show was formerly located across the street at the Denver Coliseum. Because of this, it had the former nickname "The Coliseum Show". The show is one part of an amalgamation of 3 shows held at The National Western Complex. The other 2 shows in the same complex are the Denver Expo Show and The Miners Co-op Show. You may recognize the adverts for this show as the T-rex fossil on a bright yellow background.
The show is absolutely massive and has over 500 dealers from across the world! It is geared more towards wholesale buyers, and retail buyers may be a bit overwhelmed by the sheer size. If you find yourself at this show and confused about what to do or where to go, come visit our booth L1-98, just inside the food truck area. The show has mostly international mineral dealers, hailing from such places as Brazil, India, Congo, Pakistan, Mexico, Peru, Morocco, and more. Parking is free, and lots are available.
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